Thursday, May 13, 2010

Time to get the chain-saw out...

At home today feeling blah - napping and doing a little light reading by going through some magazines on the coffee table, and here's my 'pick me up' (not!) for today - it's my horrorscope for today....way too deep for a sick day. It makes my head hurt.
Now I'm thinking to myself,
"you don't have a've got hang ups."

Horoscope - Aquarius
" Can you produce the piece of paper on which your limitations are laid out? Is there some binding agreement that keeps you from happiness? Are there no loopholes or ambiguous phrases that could be given a more liberal interpretation? No chains tie us tighter than the ones we create in our own minds. No enemy, opponent or perverse person now prevents you from finding freedom and fulfilment. But if that's what you want, you've got to let yourself off the hook you've been hung up on for too long."


  1. Hmmm - not a hang up - maybe a sign. See blog post Go Ask Your Father. Sounds like he bought space in the newspaper for you kiddo. But then maybe that just the big sister in me.
    Since I'm new to blogging and definitely 50 on the inside, do you actually see these comments?

  2. I'm Aquarius too and that piece of paper is called a marriage license!! We know that the decision that we make will affect the other person in our lives, I actually found this horoscope quiet positive.
