Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Go ask your Father

No. Not that father. That Father. You know. The one up there. Look up. Higher. Yup. That's the Father you need to go and ask. I'm serious....just ask Him anything. You will get an answer. Especially, and this works for me, if you say something like "blah blah blah this is what I need fixed" or "blah blah blah is what I really want" or "blah blah blah I don't know what to do about..." or whatever. And, I find it especially helpful to add something like "oh, and by the way, I need a sign to know You've responded. Not just a subtle sign because I probably will miss it. I need a 'hit me over the head' kind of sign so there's no way on earth I'm gonna miss it".

At least 4 times that I can easily recall off the top, I've been whacked over the head with a 'no way you're going miss this sign' kind of answer to my prayers. Crystal clear.

And, other people that I know have for certain learned how to make the 'ask' using the same principles through a book called The Secret. Not religious. Really.

Just the other night I asked for a sure sign for Kail, to help her make the right decision...and it was a big decision. The very next day, a lady in the photocopier line in Nica struck up a conversation with her, and her decision was made. Crystal clear. Really.

Thank you. No, not you. Thank You! Him. The one upstairs.

Until tomorrow...


1 comment:

  1. Fifty on the outside but funny through and through! Great job Wand - can't wait for tomorrow's blog.

    Not only are you an inspiration as a sister, you are a talented writer. Blog on!
