Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm baaaack

it's been a while since I've written, and there's no greater motivation that a man saying "well, that phase was over fast". Guess what? It's not over; never was; and... I'm baaack!

It's been one long week - in a nutshell, visited Sunnybrook emerg yet again, but news was better than expected; followed by a couple nights on the hardest couch in TO - my mothers - then back to work to catch up on being away - then shopping in NY - then the long weekend - the hot spell - a couple hours with Bell internet to get back online - and now, my sore throat.

Man, 50 isn't turning out the way I fantisized. Too much like real life. So, here's to sitting in front of a fan, body temp back to normal to coolish....and here I am writing!

I'm going to make 3 stops on the way home from work tomorrow. Promise. To myself.

1. get my throat looked at (,...may go to the clinic at lunch)
2. stop at the yoga studio to sign up for some beginner classes
3. I forget what the 3rd one was going to be.....grrr.

oh yeah, i'm getting my nails done at 5, so #2 may not work out....but I think the nails was #3, so i'm feeling pretty good about remembering. Sort of.

Did I mention how much i'm loving 50?

There's always tomorrow..,..,



  1. Okay - what happens when a sister says, "i really want you to post something soon - you are too talented to keep your thoughts to yourself!"

  2. Too talented, but too sick....I think I've got fiftyitis, although I hear it's not catchable. Don't worry though...I've been feeling much more like my old self since i returned to 49 for a while. Thx for the post marg! love you!
