Sunday, May 9, 2010

Moms....the new generation

First, a traditional Happy Mother's Day to my mom and my mom-in-law - neither of who follow blogs, or have internet for that matter. Neither have many of the 'bells and whistles', the extra stuff that clutters up my modern life and robs me of time to just sit down with a cup of tea at least 8 times a day. Neither have paycheques coming in anymore...but neither will say they do without, but rather have more than they need. Both have friends that drop by randomly, without invitation or any planning, just like the good old days - to sit at their kitchen tables and 'visit' - sometimes for hours at a time. Just to gab. Conversations. Friendships. Blessings.

They are both grateful for all the important things in their lives....their health, their families, their friends. Neither have 'perfect' health, but both are two of the healthiest people I know when it comes to outlook, a prayerful thankfulness for each day, and attitude. Sure, things could always be better....but both will say "but they could always be worse", and are glad they aren't. I continue to learn alot from these 2 moms in my life...especially at those times when I really think there's nothing more for me to learn. And I am grateful for the privilege of sitting at their kitchen tables, to share a meal, and bottomless cups of tea, for hours at a time. Just to gab. Conversations. Family. Blessings.

And today - I've been a mom for a quarter of a century now - this is my 25th Mother's Day. I thank God every day for all of the blessing in my life. For my girls who I continue to love more and more each day - is that possible? And to my sisters who are also mothers, whether of the two legged or four legged variety...may we continue to invest in our time together whether virtually or in-person. And to my two dear friends and my sister-in-law Alberta who have to get through this day for the first time ever, without their moms....I'm thinking about you...your moms were your angels...and now they always will be.

Until tomorrow...



  1. happy mother's day mom!
    congrats on creating such a lovely blog. Looking forward to all your upcoming entries!

  2. Wow Wand, your a blogster!! I'm proud of you even it sound weird coming from your younger sister(I honestly don't mean to rub that in!) You are as always a inspiration and great shoulder to lean on.
    Way to go, look forward to reading your stuff!!
