Friday, April 29, 2011

The royal "I do's"

Now that was worth every minute of lost sleep....this morning's royal wedding was one of those rare television 'good news' stories! My real life 'royal prince' (alias being used to protect his privacy) was sick and tired of hearing about the wedding since the day it was announced. Bah. Humbug. Me? I couldn't get enough...I was drawn to every news story, magazine article...everything!

So, I had planned carefully and set my alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. so that I wouldn't miss seeing the ceremony 'live' on tv. Instead I woke up around 3:50 am and didn't even try to get back to sleep. So, I put the kettle on and got under a blanket on the couch and watched for more than 2 hours of uninterrupted viewing pleasure.

One highlight for me included seeing all of those hats! Wow - were they ridiculous! Remember that Dr Suess story Go Dog Go where the dogs are driving around in cars and the one dog says to another "Do you like my hat?" and the other dog says "No, I do not like your hat." and then they say "Goodbye" to each other and drive off. They must be British dogs to be so polite.

I've always wanted to be invited somewhere that would provide me with an opportunity to wear one. When I took fashion design in college, one of the elective courses was millinery (hat making). Of course, I didn't take that elective...I took lingerie instead. Useful, hmmm, sure as i type this while sitting in bed in my jammies (a tank from Costco and flannel sleep pants). Could have been sitting here in bed, listening to my prince charming and the dog snore, wearing a hat. Bah. Humbug. What was I thinking?

So, at work today the 3rd floor staff were all wearing these outrageous paper plate style hats to commemorate the royal wedding - even the guys. Some staff on the 4th floor brought in scones and crumpets, jams and jellies, while another wore the famous 'engagement' ring - (Walmart - $10 - looks real! and yes I'm buying myself one tomorrow)

Back to the wedding. Although I had to wait until I got home from work to see the famous balcony scene and 'first' kiss...I never did find out how/why Wills and Kate were driving around (somewhere?) in a convertible wearing their wedding garb? What was that all about - can't find anything that tells if you know....pls share a comment!

Also after work I watched a 2 hour special wrap up of the day - saw Jeannie Becker begin interviewed....scary - and then sadly, realized that all good things must end...and passed the converter to my prince charming, who immediately smiled and switched the channel to American Pickers to watch the hosts digging through a motorcycle graveyard in Louisiana for rusty parts. I don't get that any more than he gets me watching a wedding taking place across the pond in the wee hours of the morning.

Ah well. Ain't love grand! Congratulations to Will and Kate! Thanks for inviting me to the wedding...I wouldn't have missed it for the world!


Your royal subject,

Marchiness Wanda Duckworth Minninskitt of Barrieshire

ps - what's up with those two ugly stepsisters? Did you see what they were wearing?!?!


  1. I can explain the car part. I woke up at 6 am Nica time - which was too late to see any of the actual wedding but was JUST IN TIME to see them come out on the balcony. So after that I kept the tv on in the background while I did important facebooking and email-checking. Then all of a sudden, the View was interrupted by breaking news that the pair was about to leave Buckingham Palace to go "rest" at Prince Will's house. And there was a chance we would be able to see them through inside whatever car they were using. All of a sudden, as a surprise to the "fans", Will and Kate came out in that convertible with no security and everyone could see them. Ba-ba walters described the whole thing as "exceptional".

  2. Ah, thanks K for the explanation....I didn't know that the Britts call it 'resting' though. How very civilized!
